Friday, June 1, 2007

So, what's the point?

I am running a little experiment, and "All-Mark Moment" will be my lab book.

I get to play both the researcher and the lab rat in this experiment. Researcher-Me is putting Lab-Rat-Me through a maze known as "writing my first novel", the cheese at the end being, of course, the finished manuscript.

But enough of the rat race.

Over the years, I've found that I think better when I write things down. For me, the act of writing is akin to Dumbledore's Pensieve - a tool that allows me to pull out memories and threads of internal conversation and put them into a medium that can help sharpen them into focus.

This blog will be my muggle-Pensieve for the seemingly random thoughts, musings, problems, etc. that crop up while I write my novel.

So, what's the point? Fairly dull right now, but it aspires to be sharper.

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